0407 593 550 


This exceptionally rare hexagonal goldfield salad oil bottle (sadly broken off at the double neck rings) pre-dates 1842 in the records held by the

National Archives of the United Kingdom

Possibly very early 1840's.

Because of the early period of manufacture, the information about these early pieces of goldfield era designs is very limited and nearly impossible to discover.  

If anyone has a similar whole example, I would appreciate if you could make contact via

Phone or Email. 

This particular piece measures 210mm tall to the first neck ring, possibly indicating a 10 - 13 oz version.

This exceptionally rare goldfield salad oil bottle is a similar form to the known pinch-waisted skirt type. This piece has sloping teardrop shoulders from the neck ring down with a pronounced lower edge. It has a reasonably straight body with a distinct flared base.    

If anyone has a complete example, please make contact.

This broken piece is 220mm tall to the neck ring so it could be a 10 or 13 oz size.

The broken piece is 180mm tall and appears to be missing at least 30 - 40 mm of the top. 

This exceptionally rare goldfield salad oil bottle belongs to the spiral oil variations of salad oils. It has a registration diamond to the base dated (31st March 1846). It is narrower at the base and is slightly taller than the similar 10 oz version. 

Pictured below. It is possibly 30-40mm taller than the 10-ounce example. The label space is also set slightly higher on the body.

If anyone has an undamaged example or any information, please make contact.  

Pictured beside the known 10 oz bottle.

This extremely rare very early hinge mould goldfields salad oil has a pedestal style ornate designed base with double neck skirts.

If anyone has an undamaged example, please make contact.

The broken piece is 180 mm tall. It is unknown how much is missing, as no whole examples are currently known.

This extremely rare shard of a goldfield salad oil base has embossing on one of its side panels. With the last two letters being (DE), it is, as yet, unidentified. There are very few goldfield salad oils known to date with embossing on them. The shape has a close resemblance to the known pinch waisted skirt design.